The Epileptic - Slides and Audio


London Photojournalism Presentation

On Tuesday, May 23, 2019 I was honored to present a talk on my photo documentary work of the past year covering my son’s journey with autism and epilepsy. The event was held at the Elephant Gallery in London, put on by Cinzia d’Ambrosi, founder of the Photojournalism Hub. Below is the audio, and accompanying slides from my talk.

There are two sets of slides, the first clean and the second with my handwritten notes. The latter may be of interest to those wishing to understand how I interpret these images graphically, and why these certain ones were picked out of many thousands (also note that the title image is missing from the slides, as I gave it to the winner of the large print version of the same image that night; see pics at the bottom of this page).

Please get in touch with any inquiries, or if you have another venue that might appreciate hearing this type of talk.