This image, shot today at Tate Modern in medium format present a brief study in scale.
There are two elements at play here.
First is the large brick factory stack of the Tate (I am standing atop the other stack), which, due to its proximity, dwarfs the much taller office buildings on the horizon.
The second is the clouds (always look up!). They initially appear to be beneath the same factory stack, but as you let your eye drift to the horizon, the magnitude of these dark-bellied, water-logged floating monsters thousands of feet in the air convey a threatening and awesome power that relegates the stack, and every other building in London, to a lesser status.
Indeed, the reason for the large shadow cast upon the foregrounded buildings and river is due to a massive sister cloud formation directly overhead.
This combination of clouds, both seen and unseen (except through shadow), with physical structures creates a tension in the image that is resolves only by returning to the stack as the visual anchor of this composition.
And that's a brief lesson on scale.